If you’re up for the challenge, you can get a head start on long-term financial security from the minute you join the armed forces. The key is having the discipline to save part of your pay every month—right from the beginning—and for as long as you stay in the service.
Think of retirement savings as a race in which you’re competing against yourself. The goal is to save the money now that you’ll need after you stop earning income.GETTING IN SHAPE
To be competitive in any race, you need to be in great shape physically and mentally. In a retirement savings marathon, it’s the mental conditioning that’s critical. You have to resist the impulse to buy extra things you’d like to have now to gain something you’ll absolutely need later. It’s a trade-off that gives you an extra edge, especially down the home stretch.
If you’re burdened by debt, saving is almost impossible and you’ll find yourself lagging behind. But if the money you’re paying in interest on credit cards and loans can go into savings instead, you’ll be prepared for the long run.
There’s just one good reason to postpone saving for a long-term goal, including retirement. That’s using some of your income first to build an emergency fund large enough to cover three to six months worth of living expenses. It’s like having disaster insurance for your financial security.